Popular Post Shad0w Posted January 26, 2015 Popular Post Share Posted January 26, 2015 (edited) Nu mai stiu parola contului/mi-a fost schimbata , ce pot face? Tu trebuie sa ai grija de contul tau, nu adminii. Daca nu stii parola, o poti recupera folosindu-te de emailul setat pe cont pe http://bluepanel.bugged.ro(pentru serverul blue), http://redpanel.bugged.ro (pentru serverul red), http://greenpanel.bugged.ro (pentru serverul green) si http://orangepanel.bugged.ro (pentru serverul orange). Nu primesc email cand folosesc optiunea de recuperare parola. Ce pot face? Nu poti face nimic. Daca nu stii parola si nu ai acces la emailul setat pe cont, nu iti poti recupera contul. De ce nu ajutati playerii sa isi recupereze conturile sparte? Conturile sparte sunt in majoritatea cazurilor conturi imprumutate prietenilor, conturi vandute, conturi pierdute de playerii ce introduc parola pe orice site promite ca le ofera bani/puncte premium/cheat-uri. Nu a fost spart vreun cont datorita problemelor de securitate cu forumul/panelul/user panelul. Daca ar exista vreo problema de securitatea, contul meu ar fi primul spart. Nu exista programe de spart conturi. In majoritatea cazurilor, e imposibil de verificat daca un cont a fost spart sau nu. Playerii sunt responsabili de securitatea contului propriu, nu adminii. Majoritatea playerilor de pe bugged nu au avut vreodata contul spart si nici nu vor avea vreodata contul spart. Nu se merita sa pierd timpul verificand log-uri si ip-uri pentru a incerca sa ajut cativa playeri sa-si recupereze contul dupa ce au dat parola prietenilor/l-au vandut/au descarcat 'hack_dice.exe'. Prefer ca in acest timp sa ma ocup de update-uri si organizarea serverului. Cum pot face sa nu am contul spart? - nu da parola prietenilor. - seteaza-ti un email valid pe cont. - nu scrie parola de pe bugged.ro pe alte site-uri. verifica bara de adrese inainte de a scrie parola undeva. daca nu e redpanel.bugged.ro, bluepanel.bugged.ro sau forum.bugged.ro, nu iti scrie parola. - nu scrie parola emailului pe alte site-uri. - nu incerca sa vinzi/cumperi conturi pe serverele bugged.ro. - nu descarca cheat-uri. sunt destul de multe cheat-uri care sunt folosite pentru a fura parole. - alege o parola mai complicata. nu folosi numele tau, anul nasterii, numele echipei de fotbal preferate in parola. Deci incurajati playerii ce se ocupa cu spargeri de conturi? Nu. Vom incerca in continuare sa banam playerii ce se ocupa de crearea site-urilor facute pentru a fura parole, dar playerii ce isi pierd contul pentru ca au vrut sa castige 1000000 puncte premium gratis, nu vor fi ajutati sa-si recupereze contul. English version I don't remember my password/it was changed, what can i do? You have to take care of your account, not the admins. If you don't remember your password, you can recover it using the email set on your account on http://bluepanel.bugged.ro (for blue server), http://redpanel.bugged.ro (for red server), http://greenpanel.bugged.ro (for green server), http://orangepanel.bugged.ro (for orange server). I don't receive an email when i use the recover password option. What can i do? You can't do anything. If you don't know your password and don't have acces to the samp account email, you can't recover the account. Why won't you help players recovering their hacked accounts? Hacked accounts are in most cases, accounts borrowed to friends, sold accounts, accounts lost by players who insert their password on any site that promises money/premium points/cheats. There wasn't any account hacked because of a security problem with the forum/panel. If there was such a problem, my account will be the first to be hacked. There doesn't exist an account hacking program. In most cases, it's imposible to verify if an account has been hacked or not. The players are responsible for their accounts security, not the admins. Most of bugged players didn't have the account hacked and won't ever have it. It's just not worth it to waste my time checking logs and ips to help some players to recover their accounts after they gave the password to friends/sold the account/downloaded any keylogger. I prefer that in this time to make server updates and organise the server. What i can do in order to not get my account hacked? - don't give the password to your friends.nu da parola prietenilor. - set a valid email on your account. - don't write your bugged.ro password on another sites. Check the address bar before you write your password elsewhere. If it's not bluepanel.bugged.ro / redpanel.bugged.ro / greenpanel.bugged.ro / orangepanel.bugged.ro or forum.bugged.ro, don't write your password. - don't write your email password on another sites. - don't try to sell/buy accounts on bugged.ro servers - don't download cheats. There are lots of cheats used to steal passwords. - chose a more complicated password. Don't use your name, year of birth, favorite footbal team name, etc. in the password. So you encourage players who engage with account hacking? No. We'll further ban players who creates sites made to steal passwords, but players who lost their account because they wanted to won 1000000 premium points for free, won't be helped to recover their account. Edited January 2, 2017 by Arthur 47 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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