Popular Post RIPZOR Posted August 4, 2015 Popular Post Share Posted August 4, 2015 (edited) Cu ce se ocupa School Instructors? -School Instructors este factiunea care se ocupa cu acordarea licentelor de arme, licenta de aviatie (zbor) si licenta de navigatie (barca). Acordarea licentelor se face doar pe baza unor teste. licenta de arme: cel testat raspunde corect la cateva intrebari si demonstreaza ca stie sa traga cu o arma intr-un obiect ales de instructor. licenta de aviatie: cel testat arata ca poate pilota un avion/ elicopter sub indrumarea instructorului. licenta de navigatie: cel testat trebuie sa navigheze cu barca in locurile precizate de instructor. Reguli generale - membrii factiunii trebuie sa respecte regulamentul general al serverului. incalcarea unei reguli din regulamentul serverului poate fi sanctionata cu FW/uninvite, pe langa sanctiunile prevazute de regulamentul serverului. - limbajul vulgar / insultele se sanctioneaza cu avertisment verbal (AV), faction warn (FW), sau uninvite, in functie de situatie. exemple: - pentru limbaj vulgar/ insulte la adresa altor jucatori, membrii risca FW sau uninvite. - pentru comportament agresiv, cum ar fi "mars ma", membrii risca avertisment verbal / FW, in functie de gravitate. - injuriile si jignirile grave se sanctioneaza cu FW. Injuriile grave repetate sunt sanctionate direct cu uninvite. - jignirile usoare ('n00b-ul drq', 'mars', 'esti prost/destept/fraier') se vor sanctiona cu AV sau FW, in functie de gravitate. - limbajul vulgar asupra liderului si a membrilor se sanctioneaza aspru, in functie de decizia luata de lider. - trebuie sa respectati liderul & subliderul si sa faceti ce vi se spune, in caz contrar riscati sanctiuni. - deathmatch-ul (DM) aiurea este sanctionat cu FW sau uninvite, in functie de gravitate si de abateri. - Aveti voie sa folositi masinile factiunii in scopuri personale (rob, job, plimbare). Aceasta informatie este prezenta deoarece masinile nu sunt necesare la acordarea licentelor. - Liderul trebuie sa ia decizia cea mai corecta in functie de situatie. Skinuri - membrii factiunii sunt obligati sa poarte skin-urile specificate in topicul "regulament intern" din forumul factiunii. - daca un membru e atentionat ca are un skin gresit si nu doreste sa il schimbe, acesta va fi sanctionat cu FW. - doar fetele pot folosi skin-urile de fata ale factiunii. Reclamatii factiuni - liderul / subliderul poate respinge reclamatiile care contin jigniri, dar playerul care a facut reclamatia are dreptul sa refaca reclamatia. Reclamatiile ce contin jigniri vor fi sanctionate cu suspend 1-7 zile pe panel de catre admini. - subliderul unei factiuni are dreptul de a raspunde la reclamatii, cu acordul liderului, dar in cazul unor greseli in reclamatii, liderul va fi sanctionat, nu subliderul. Regulamentul chat-ului [/in]: - trebuie să păstraţi un limbaj decent faţă de toţi membrii, indiferent de rank. - nu aveţi voie să faceţi afaceri sau să puneţi întrebări despre ele. - este interzis spam-ul şi CAPS LOCK-ul. - dacă aveţi un limbaj vulgar sunt şanse mari să fiţi sanctionaţi cu FW sau sa fiti demisi in functie de gravitate. - nu aveţi voie să folosiţi emoticoane pe acest chat. - nu aveţi voie să salutaţi pe acest chat. - pe acest chat puteţi să purtaţi discuţii legate de factiune, este făcut în scopul de a ne ajuta. Puteti informa alti instructori unde este un client sau puteti cere parerea altor instructor despre o anumita situatie in timpul unui test. Comenzile factiunilor: /givegun - ofera un SdPistol cu 10 gloante. /givelicence [id/nickname] fly/boat/gun - ofera licenta. /startlesson - ofera clientului posibilitatea de a folosi avionul/ barca in timpul testului. /f - pentru a putea vorbii cu ceilalti membrii din factiune. /in - chat-ul pentru comunicarea intre cele doua factiuni School Instructors. /gdeposit money - pentru a depozita bani in seiful factiunii. Reguli legate de licente - licentele se pot acorda doar playerilor care au level 3+. - instructorii nu au permisiunea de-a sustine teste pentru licente in zone aglomerate(Spawn civil ,PD, Banca LS/LV, CNN ...etc) - testele pentru licente sunt obligatorii, cei ce omit informatii/ intrebari sunt sanctionati. - cei care sustin mai multe teste in acelas timp sunt sanctionati. - in cazul in care instructorul primeste crash/ moare are la dispozitie 24h pentru a returna banii clientului sau pentru continua testul. - instructorii nu au dreptul de a modifica pretul licentelor. - clientul si instructorul trebuie sa fie fata in fata in timpul desfasurarii unui test. - in timpul unui test, instructorul, nu are dreptul de a raspunde la telefon chiar daca este cautat de alt client. - este interzis sa acordati licente daca aveti wanted cu sau fara drept de predare, daca primiti wanted in timpul testului puteti continua. - testul pentru licenta gun se sustine doar in aceste poligoane. - jucatorii cu level mare primesc licente fara test. Blue- level 90+, White- level 80+, Black- level 70+ Alte informatii: - o masina a factiunii poate fi tunata doar cu NITRO (Noss). - in timpul sedintei orice sfidare a liderului/ co-liderului este sanctionata. - orice abuz de comenzile factiunii este sanctionat. - daca nu dati licente sunteti rugati sa tineti [/turn off] sau [/turn off calls], nu lasati [/turn on] pentru a da clientul altui instructor. English version: What does School Instructors do? -School Instructors is the faction which deals with granting the weapon licenses, flying licenses or sailing licenses. The licenses are granted only after the player is tested. weapon licence: the tested player has to respond correctly at some questions and show that he knows how to shot with a weapon in an object chosen by the instructor. flying licence: the tested player has to show that he knows how to fly a plane/helicopter under the guidance of the instructor. sailing licence: the tested player needs to sail with the boat in the places said by the instructor. General Rules - Faction members has to respect the general rules of the server. Disrespecting the server rules can lead to Faction Warn / Uninvite, besides the punishments provided by the server rules - Offensive language / insults are punished with verbal warning, faction warn or uninvite, depending on situation examples: - for offensive language / cursing against other player, the members risk Faction Warn or uninvite - for aggressive behaviour like 'get the fuck out here', the members risk verbal warning / faction warn, depending on the severity - Strong language and serious offenses are punished with Faction Warn. Repeated serious insults are punished directly with uninvite - light insults like ('n00b', 'gtfo', 'you're idiot') will be punished with AV or FW, depends on the severity - Bad language againts the leader or the faction members will be rough punished, depending on the decision made by the leader - you have to respect the leader & co-leader and to do what they're saying. Otherwise, you risk to get punished - deathmatch(DM) is punished with FW or uninvite, depending on the severity and previous violations of this rule - it's forbidden to use the faction cars for your own purpose. The leader has to take the most correct decision depending on the situation. Skins - faction members has to wear the skins specified in the 'skins' topic from the faction forum. if a player is warned that he has a wrong skin and doesn't want to change his skin, he can be punished with FW. - only girls can wear the girls skin Faction complaints - the leader can reject the complaints who disrespect the model or contain insults, but the player who made the complaint has the right to remake the complaint. the complaints who contain insults will be punished with suspend on panel - the coleader has the right to answer the complaints, with the leader's agreement, but if he makes a mistake, the leader will be punished, not the coleader Regulamentul chat-ului [/in]: - You have to keep a decent language to all the members, regardless the rank. - You are not allowed to make business or ask question about it. - The spam and the use of CAPS LOCK is forbidden. - If you have bad language there are high chances you'll be punished with Faction Warn or uninvited, depending on the case. - You're not allowed to use emoticons on that chat. - You're not allowed to say hello on that chat. - On this chat you can hold relevant discussions, it's made with the purpose of helping us. You can use it for telling other instructors where a client is, request an assist, or ask the opinion of other instructors about a situation durring a test Faction commands: /givegun - give an SdPistol with 10 bullets. /givelicence [id/nickname] fly/boat/gun - give the licence. /startlesson - give the possibility to use the plane/boat during the test. /f - to speak with other members of the faction. /in - the chat to communicate between the two School Instructors factions. /gdeposit money - to deposit money in the faction's vault. Rules related to licenses: - the licenses can be given only to players with level 3+ - instructors can't sustain tests for licenses in crowded areas (Civil Spawn, PD, LS/LV Bank, CNN ...etc) - the licenses tests are mandatory, those who skip information / questions are punished. - those who sustain multiple tests at the same time are punished. - if the instructor crashes/dies during a test he has 24 hours to return the client's money or to continue the test. - the instructors don't have the right to modify the licenses price. - the client and the instructor have to be face to face during a licence test. - during a test, the instructor can't pickup the phone even if it's seeked by another client. - it's not allowed to give licences when you have wanted. If you receive it during the test, you can continue. - the gun test can only be taken in one of these locations. - players that have a high level will receive the licenses without any test. Other information: - a faction car can be tuned only with NITRO (Nos). - during the meeting, any defiance against the leader/co-leader is punished. - any abuse of the faction commands is punished. - if you don't give licenses you're asked to keep [/turn off] or [/turn off calls], don't keep [/turn on] to give the client to another instructor. Edited March 12, 2023 by skYwaLker Au fost adaugate mai multe poligoane. 2 1 31 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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