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-Nickname: CIDY

Level: 15

Ore jucate: 283.99

Poza cu invitatia: http://imgur.com/a/xvOxl

Profilul de pe panel (link): http://greenpanel.bugged.ro/profile/CiDy

Sanctiuni (poza de pe 'greenpanel.bugged.ro/lp'): CiDy has been jailed by Ryan. for 75 minutes, reason: DM

 2017-02-09 18:34:42

CiDy received a warn from Cliche, reason: /q la soma?ii  [complaint:282226]
 2017-02-06 17:33:29

Don.CiDy has been jailed by Cliche for 60 minutes, reason: DM
 2017-02-04 16:17:46

CiDy was jailed by Aquarius. for 45 minutes, reason: DM  [complaint:277224]
 2017-01-28 15:34:15

CiDy was muted by Aquarius. for 10 minutes, reason: limbaj vulgar / offensive language  [complaint:277231]
 2017-01-28 15:32:57

CiDy has been jailed by Ryan. for 45 minutes, reason: DM
 2017-01-23 22:13:37

CiDy received a warn from Hamsi, reason: Cerere bunuri pt rank in clan  [complaint:275163]
 2017-01-23 17:05:00

CiDy was muted by iLakee for 10 minutes, reason: Spam  [complaint:275050]
 2017-01-23 14:02:03

Ban: CiDy has been banned by Ryan. for 7 days, reason: Ascundere moduri/programe interzise (TW).
 2017-01-15 20:47:00

CiDy was muted by SERIFU. for 15 minutes, reason: Limbaj inadecvat  [complaint:269391]
 2017-01-11 14:05:10

CiDy was muted by aLonE for 10 minutes, reason: limbaj vulgar / offensive language  [complaint:268749]
 2017-01-10 11:25:37

Ban: Cidy has been banned by SeaN for 7 days, reason: Injurii staff.
 2017-01-01 22:00:20

CiDy.uS has been jailed by Aquarius. for 90 minutes, reason: DM
 2016-12-25 12:19:00

CiDy.uS has been jailed by xTime for 75 minutes, reason: DM
 2016-12-17 12:37:45

CiDy.uS has been jailed by Ryan. for 60 minutes, reason: DM
 2016-12-15 21:32:07

CiDy.uS has been jailed by Cliche for 45 minutes, reason: DM
 2016-12-14 20:37:12

CiDy.uS has been jailed by xTime for 30 minutes, reason: DM
 2016-12-13 20:12:02

Ban: CiDy has been banned by Aquarius. for 5 days, reason: Injurii staff.
 2016-06-16 18:05:34

CiDy was banned by TysoNN for 3 days , reason: C-bug / C-shot  [complaint:188538]
 2016-06-11 15:38:22

CiDy was banned by Ryan. for 2 days , reason: C-bug / C-shot  [complaint:187749]
 2016-06-08 18:15:12

CiDy was banned by Ryan. for 1 days , reason: C-bug / C-shot  [complaint:187454]
 2016-06-07 14:42:54

CiDy received a /warn from Webster[A], reason: C-bug / C-shot
 2016-06-05 12:10:06

CiDy was muted by Ca77a for 30 minutes, reason: limbaj vulgar / offensive language  [complaint:171513]
 2016-04-17 21:30:36

CiDy received a warn from Ca77a, reason: limbaj vulgar / offensive language  [complaint:171513]
 2016-04-17 21:30:35

Cateva realizari pe server/ forum: Am castigat un event pe green.

Ce jocuri mai joci pe langa SA:MP: ETS 2,CS:GO,LOL.

De ce vrei sa intri in clan: Doresc sa intru in acest clan , pentru ca este un clan bine organizat.

Ai mai facut parte dintr-un Clan? Daca da, care sunt acestea?: Am facut parte in clanu [N]

Enumera cativa membri ai clanului cu care te intelgi: Docamndata nu am  prieteni care sunt in clan dar o sa-mi fac.

Planuri de viitor pe server: Sa devin lider s-au helper.

Ai mai facut parte din clanul [AIM]? Daca da, de ce ai iesit?: Nu am facut parte.



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