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[Battle] Sapilif vs Ironkh


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Numele tau: Sapilif

Numele celui provocat: Ironkh

Tema: Avatar / Caini



Dimensiuni: 150 x 250

Timp: Am comunicat cu tine, stiu ca ai war pana la 22:00, o astept pana la 23:30 daca accepti.

Text: bugged, Dog.


Astept un raspuns @AIM-Ironkh

Pentru lucrare, trimite-mi un PM.

Edited by Sapilif
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Aleg lucrarea lui Ironkh (V1).

Multumesc Paul.

PS: Varianta 1 e a mea, da, am primit sms-ul cu "esti praf in PS", probabil credeai ca V2 e a mea, te-ai inselat.


Sapilif - 11 - Winner.

Eh Ironkh, puteai. :)


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