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[Tutorial] /Stats folosind dialog

Cosma Claudiu

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 Salutare tuturor scripterilor, astazi o sa va arat cum se face o comanda /stats folosind un dialog :

 Rezultatul : http://i61.tinypic.com/fcsle9.png


 Sa incepem cu inceputul :


 Pasul 1 :


 Vom scrie la inceput :

 #include <a_samp> (esential)

 #include <zcmd> (ca sa putem face o comanda folosind CMD:...)



 Pasul 2 :


 Ne gandim ce sa apara cand tastam /stats.

 Eu ma gandesc sa arate daca ai Admin, Helper, Premium si cate Puncte premium ai, deci vom defini "Admin", "Helper", "Premium" si "PremiumPoints" folosind sistemul vostru de save/load.



 Pasul 3 :


 Vom incepe sa facem comanda :



 new Admin = PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]; (Exact ce am spus mai sus la Pasul 2, vom defini Admin, Heleper, etc... folosind ceea ce avem in save/load daca aveti, daca nu, nu puteti face ceea ce vreau eu sa fac)

 new Helper = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper];
 new Premium = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremium];
 new PremiumPoints = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints];


 (Vom folosi 1 pentru adevarat si 0 pentru fals)


 new String[250]; (Uitati-va pe wiki daca nu stiti ce cauta String-ul pe aici)

 new String2[250];

 new String3[250];

 new String4[250];


 if(Admin == 1)
          format(String2,(sizeof(String2)), "{FFFFFF}Yes");



          format(String2,(sizeof(String2)), "{FFFFFF}No");


 if(Helper == 1)
          format(String2,(sizeof(String2)), "{FFFFFF}Yes");




          format(String2,(sizeof(String2)), "{FFFFFF}No");


 if(Premium == 1)
          format(String2,(sizeof(String2)), "{FFFFFF}Yes");




          format(String2,(sizeof(String2)), "{FFFFFF}No");


 format(String,(sizeof(String)), "{00FF00}Admin : %s\n{00FF00}Helper : %s\n{00FF00}Premium : %s\n{00FF00}Premium Points :  {FFFFFF}%d", String2, String3, String4, PremiumPoints); (sursa wiki : format)

 ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_STATS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FF00}Statistics : ", String, "OK", "Cancel"); (sursa wiki :  DIALOG)
 return 1;




 Pasul 4 :



 Testam comanda!




 Pasul 5 :



 Ne spunem parerea despre munca lui Efreed!



 Pasul 6 :



 Verificam daca chiar este munca lui Efreed : http://i.minus.com/iBDPQ2LHxABn6.bmp



Edited by Efreed
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