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Vand casa | San Fierro | Pier 69 | Zona populata


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Nick pe server: [seT]ToxiCzeR
Level: 17
85.000.000$ Negociabil.


Interior: http://i.imgur.com/9yXOch8.jpg

Exterior: http://i.imgur.com/v93X1tP.jpg

Alte detalii:


- Situata in zona populata.

- Imediat la iesire aveti Pizza si 24/7.

- Zona populata, multi iau rent aici.

- In apropiere HQ SPFD.

- Langa apa, se spawneaza barci care pot fi folosite daca aveti licenta boat.

- Se spawneaza unele masini care le puteti conduce.

- Parcare mare unde va puteti parca masinile.

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